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The role of dash cameras in fleet management

March 25, 2025

When accidents happen on the road, it’s not uncommon for incidents to quickly turn into a they-said, we-said scenario, which is followed by lengthy legal processes that cost time and money.

Dash cameras are an invaluable tool in fleet management that serve as evidence of who’s at fault, protect your company and your driver’s reputation, and more to reduce operational expenses as they pertain to your fleet.

From increased driver safety to decreasing operational costs, this is how dash cameras can optimize fleet management.

The impact of accidents and poor driving behavior on fleets

The impact of road accidents can be devastating — both for the health of drivers and your business. According to the latest data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the nationwide cost of all large truck (and bus) crashes in 2021 was a whopping $128 billion.

Accidents can happen for all kinds of reasons. One common example is fleet drivers exhibiting poor driving habits, which impact their safety and the safety of others on the road:

  • Speeding and overall poor driving habits: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding is a contributing factor for 29% of fatal motor vehicle accidents in the United States.
  • Injuries and fatalities: Collisions between two motor vehicles, or a motor vehicle and a fixed object, are two of the most common types of crashes that cause injury or fatality. The former is the cause of 42.6% of deaths, with the latter at 26.5%, according to the NSC.
  • Vehicle damage: Accidents often lead to vehicle damage, unscheduled repairs, and downtime. This can lead to suboptimal service and lower customer service scores.

The impact risky driving can have on operational expenses is large, too. From increased and unexpected maintenance expenses to insurance premiums and legal fees, there are a few factors to consider when it comes to operational costs:

  • Repair expenses: Vehicle repairs following accidents can be costly and impact your fleet’s financial stability — especially if collisions happen often.
  • Insurance premiums: Accidents and poor driving behavior can lead to increased insurance premiums, heightening your operating expenses.
  • Legal expenses: Poor driving habits that are caught and handled through the U.S. legal system can result in high legal fees associated with accident investigations, liability disputes, and lawsuits.
  • Higher fuel costs: Poor driving behavior, such as aggressive driving or excessive idling, can contribute to higher fuel consumption and, therefore, increased fuel costs.

How dash cameras and telematics can mitigate on-the-road risks

Dash cameras that monitor both the road and in-cab activity act as a deterrent to poor driving behavior, important evidence in a court of law, and even valuable training material that can be used and re-used to encourage safer driving among fleet employees.

Using this technology, fleet managers can facilitate:

  • Accident documentation and investigation: In the event of an accident, video captured by dash cameras provides clear footage of accidents which helps determine fault, resolve insurance claims, and expedite claims processes.
  • Security and theft prevention: Dash cameras have a deterrent effect on third parties, too, which may help reduce the likelihood of theft and vandalism of your fleet vehicles. If a theft or other incident does happen, recorded footage can serve as valuable evidence for law enforcement.
  • Training and coaching: Video footage from dash cameras can be used for coaching and training purposes to help drivers improve their skills and drive more safely. Moreover, these devices facilitate constructive feedback for drivers based on actual on-road performance as captured by the devices.

While dash cams offer numerous benefits and can be a precious asset to your fleet management strategy, organizations must also implement a robust set of policies that acknowledge and respect driver privacy and address concerns related to surveillance.

Clear communication and transparency about the purpose of dash cameras can help foster a positive and collaborative relationship between fleet management and drivers — for the benefit of the organization and other road users as a whole.

WEX telematics for safer driving

Dash cameras augment data gathered via WEX telematics and premium GPS vehicle tracking. When combined, fleet managers can achieve even greater visibility into operations, all the way down to the vehicle level.

Collect important data, reward employees for safe driving, and reduce operational costs across the board. When it comes time to report, get all the insights you need right in one central platform.

Curious to see how else WEX can optimize your fleet management strategy and improve driver safety? Contact us today.

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