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fleet of commercial vehicles

Small business marketing tips: Transform your fleet into a rolling billboard

July 30, 2024

Advertising as a smaller business can be challenging — and expensive. Rest assured there are ways to market your operation that are both cost-effective and powerful, with one such option being wraps and graphics for your fleet of commercial vehicles.

If you have just one or a few business vehicles, graphics are a great way to advertise. Read on to find out why.

Why vehicle branding is a great marketing tool for small businesses

Branding your commercial vehicles gives you a mobile billboard, and essentially turns your trucks and vans into rolling advertisements. Because you or your drivers are already on the road, it’s like having a traveling promotional tool that can reach a diverse and widespread audience outside the bounds of your headquarters.

Here are a few reasons why vehicle branding is a great tool for small business marketing:

Vehicle branding increases your visibility

Branded vehicles attract attention wherever they go, increasing the visibility of your business in different locations. This can help you reach potential customers who may not have otherwise been aware of your services. In fact, just one vehicle wrap is estimated to generate 30,000-80,000 impressions daily.

Vehicle branding increases brand recognition

Consistent branding on your fleet creates a strong brand identity. When people see your logo, colors, and messaging regularly, it reinforces your brand in their minds. This makes it more likely that they’ll remember your business when they find themselves in need of your products or services.

Vehicle branding projects professionalism and increases customer trust

A branded fleet conveys a sense of professionalism and reliability. It instills trust in potential customers, as they may perceive a business with professionally-branded vehicles as more established and credible.

Vehicle branding is cost-effective advertising

Compared to traditional advertising methods, vehicle branding is a cost-effective way to promote your business. According to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), vehicle branding is one of the most effective out-of-home (OOH) advertising methods, and ad spending on OOH marketing is expected to increase by 5.3% in 2024.

Pricing can range between shops that offer custom decals and wraps for fleet vehicles, and the size of your vehicles will influence the price, too. Ranging anywhere from $500 for simple lettering to $5,000 for full custom wraps including design, printing and installation, there’s sure to be an option available that suits your small-business budget.

One of the great aspects of this type of advertising is that, once the initial investment is made, ongoing exposure and impressions come at no additional cost.

Vehicle branding is local advertising

For small businesses that operate in specific geographic areas, vehicle branding is an effective way to target local audiences. It allows you to reach potential customers in your community and neighboring areas.

Vehicle branding provides marketing versatility

Whether your branded vehicles are on the road, parked, or stuck in traffic, they are still working as advertising tools. This 24/7 visibility maximizes the impact of your branding efforts with continuous effectiveness.

Augmenting vehicle branding with fleet cards

Just as vehicle branding and fleet advertisements help increase brand awareness and trustworthiness, integrating a fleet card into your operations adds another layer of professionalism, consistency, and control that can further contribute to a positive brand image.

Fuel cards offer expense tracking, more security, and better control over transactions, helping to reduce the risk of fraud and maintain a positive image potential and current customers. Here’s how fuel cards enable such benefits:

Expense tracking

Fleet cards offer features that allow businesses to track and manage expenses easily and gain valuable insights into transaction data. This not only streamlines the back-office, financial administrative work of managing a fleet but also reflects positively on your small business. Customers and partners alike appreciate businesses that are transparent and organized.

Rebates for additional savings

Sure, fleet advertising is already a cost-effective form of marketing, but saving (or earning) more money as a small business is always welcome. The best fleet cards for small businesses allow you to earn rebates on fleet-related purchases at a vast majority of U.S. gas stations, effectively creating a brand new revenue stream to support your operation.

More security and control

The WEX fleet card comes with features that allow businesses to set spending limits and restrictions, providing better control over expenses and enabling cost savings. This not only enhances security through simplified tracking and telematics data, but also aligns with responsible business best practices, which is favorable in the eyes of existing and potential customers.

Join the more than 300,000 U.S. companies, large and small, who chose WEX for fleet management support. Get started today.

Learn more on how to better manage your small business:

Apply for a fleet card today!

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