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Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

Can an HSA and HRA be paired together?

April 2, 2024

Employers offering a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) sometimes offer participants a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) to buy down the deductible. The HRA design will determine whether HDHP participants can also maintain eligibility to contribute to a health savings account (HSA).

An HRA offered alongside, or integrated with, an HDHP will generally be structured in one of three ways:

  • General-purpose HRA: Available to reimburse qualifying medical expenses up to a certain annual dollar limit at any time during the plan year.
  • Post-deductible HRA: Reimbursements not available until after a participant incurs claims up to a set dollar amount, and thereafter available to reimburse qualifying medical expenses up to a certain annual dollar limit.
  • Limited-purpose HRA: Reimbursements immediately available, but only for limited-scope dental and vision expenses up to a certain annual dollar limit.

A general-purpose HRA offering will make all participants ineligible to contribute to an HSA. Being eligible for HRA reimbursement prior to incurring claims of at least $1,600 for single HDHP coverage, or $3,200 for family HDHP coverage (in 2024) is disqualifying coverage for purposes of HSA-eligibility. This is true regardless of whether the participants actually receive any reimbursement from the HRA.

However, a post-deductible HRA or limited-purpose HRA will not interfere with HSA eligibility. A post-deductible HRA paired with an HDHP allows for HSA-eligibility so long as the HRA doesn’t provide coverage before the individual incurs claims of at least $1,600 for single or $3,200 for family coverage (in 2024). In addition, a limited-purpose HRA (available solely to reimburse dental or vision expenses) paired with an HDHP also allows participants to be eligible to make and receive HSA contributions

Finally, a combination of limited-purpose and post-deductible HRAs paired with an HDHP will also allow for HSA-eligibility. For example, the HRA could provide limited-purpose reimbursement (solely for dental or vision expenses) until the minimum HDHP deductible is met ($1,600 for single; $3,200 for family in 2024) and then become available to reimburse all qualifying medical expenses once the deductible is met. This is confirmed in IRS Notice 2004-45.

Content for the WEX compliance Q&A is provided by Benefit Comply, LLC. Benefit Comply provides employee benefits compliance support and services to brokers, employee benefits consultants, and TPAs nationwide. For more information go to

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