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pothole season

Commercial vehicle management: 7 tips to survive pothole season

March 25, 2025

After a sometimes brutal winter, spring’s warmer weather comes as a welcome relief — except for what it does to the road. April is prime pothole season, and every vehicle on the road is susceptible to damage from hitting a pothole.

7 tips to survive pothole season

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Download this infographic for 7 tips to survive pothole season!

While a pothole can form at any time of the year, they really “spring up” after winter. The wear and tear on the road from traffic causes small cracks in the asphalt that allow water to seep into the soil below. When the temperature drops low enough, the water freezes and expands, putting force on the pavement and causing the road to rise. Once the temperature goes up again there’s a little pocket beneath the surface that eventually causes the pavement to break. And so, spring means lots of potholes.

Even the best state department of transportation (DOT) has trouble keeping up with repairs on the highways, and truck stop parking lots can turn into tire-eating landmines. So drivers need to be aware of the road ahead of them. Even a small pothole can do damage to your vehicle and some of the larger ones present real danger.

How to help your drivers get through pothole season

Pothole season can be challenging for businesses with a fleet of commercial vehicles, as it can cause significant damage resulting in costly repairs and downtime in operations. All the standard safe driving precautions become even more important when traveling a road riddled with craters.

Here are seven tips for how to get through pothole season unscathed:

An over-inflated or under-inflated tire increases the possibility of incurring damage when your vehicle hits a pothole.

2. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road.

If the road is damaged, the vehicle ahead of you will probably slow down or swerve a bit to avoid contact with a divot in the road. Your drivers will need to be prepared for that behavior, and take it as an indication to be cautious when they come to that spot in the road.

3. Stay alert and be aware.

Keeping an eye on not only the road, but other vehicles and the environment surrounding the driver, will help keep him/her alert to the existence of potholes, making it easier to avoid them.

4. Take it slowly.

A large commercial vehicle is not usually going to be able to swerve around a pothole on the highway as easily as a smaller vehicle, but slowing down can minimize the risk of serious damage.

5. Be vigilant about checking your vehicle in the case of interaction with a pothole.

Since there’s risk in incurring damage when you’ve hit a pothole, it’s wise to take some time to check tires and wheels as soon as possible afterward. Damage may also occur from flying debris if a nearby vehicle hits a pothole, so be especially thorough in pre-trip inspections, too.

6. Report dangerous potholes.

In the case of potholes in public spaces, parking lots, or rest areas, contact the manager, or the corporate customer service line. When you encounter highway potholes, contact the state DOT. They’ll be able to schedule a crew to fix it and be grateful you informed them.

7. Expect road repairs during pothole season.

Though it might not happen as quickly as drivers would like, the potholes will eventually be repaired. Those work zones will almost certainly have an impact on traffic, so factor in extra time for the delays they cause.

Surviving pothole season for your commercial vehicle fleet requires proactive planning, regular vehicle maintenance, and effective communication with your drivers and with local authorities. By following these steps, your fleet can minimize pothole-related damage to vehicles and keep them on the road, reducing downtime and avoiding costly repairs.

Pothole damage can result in unexpected costs to your fleet

When it comes to fleet vehicles, pothole damage can vary greatly, ranging from wear on ball joints and struts, to misaligned suspension and flat tires, with repair costs ranging from $25 for a simple tire patch to as much as $5,000 for a full suspension replacement. According to recent AAA data, repairs in 2024 totaled close to $3 billion in the U.S.  The average cost in 2024 to repair vehicular damage caused by potholes was approximately $406 per repair.

If your fleet vehicle does sustain pothole damage, it’s important to take photos and document the scene. You’ll want pictures of both the pothole and your vehicle. In some cases, depending on jurisdiction, the city, county, or state may offer reimbursement for pothole-related damages, so it’s worth checking with the local department to see if you can apply for reimbursement. 

Insurance can potentially cover the cost of fleet pothole damage

In terms of insurance coverage, most insurance providers typically consider pothole damage as part of their collision policy, since the vehicle technically “collides” with the pothole. This means that the cost of the damage may potentially be covered by insurance. However, coverage depends on factors such as the location of the damage and whether it affects the body of the car or just the tires. To determine if you qualify for insurance coverage, take your vehicle to your designated repair shop for a comprehensive damage estimate.

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Editorial note: This article was originally published on February 27, 2018, and has been updated for this publication.


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