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Detention is a big topic in the trucking industry now, thanks in part to greater use of ELDs that put delays at shippers and receivers on record, and to a recent U.S. DOT report from the Office of the Inspector General that ties those delays to increased crash rates.
On one hand, the detention issue is not news. On the other, it’s been drivers who suffered the consequences most. Now it seems that carriers, shippers and receivers are feeling the burn, too. Truckload carriers learned from the report that their part of the industry is losing up to $300 million a year in unpaid sitting around time while their driver waits for their truck to be loaded or unloaded.
Drivers usually don’t feel that they have much leverage in dealing with delays at the dock, while fleet owners often rely on detention fees as a method to discourage shippers and receivers from holding trucks for too long. The real problem is that shippers and receivers haven’t had any real motivation to become more efficient in this area until recently, as carriers turn away from customers who are consistently slow.
If that continues, shipper practices may change. In the meantime, fleet owners can try to be catalysts for that change.
ELDs are not the solution to the detention problem, but they are making it clearer. It’s true that the inefficiency happens with shippers and receivers, but when carriers take steps to make them more accountable, that can get them to change.
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