Reduce fleet maintenance costs and track your vehicles with GPS vehicle tracking
Help your fleet improve driving habits, minimize unscheduled repairs and maintenance, and reduce insurance rates with premium GPS tracking.

Simplify reporting and insights with one platform
Say goodbye to complex data readouts and complicated reports. With WEX, you’ll have access to the latest data and vehicle-specific information all in one central dashboard.
When paired with your WEX fleet card, WEX premium GPS vehicle tracking helps you:
- Confirm vehicle location and activity at a glance
- Detect unsafe behavior like speeding, sharp turns, and harsh braking
- Track every stop and time spent with customers using landmarks
- Monitor fraudulent behavior with free fuel card integration
- Identify and replace obsolete 3G telematics units and avoid disruption of service as carriers upgrade
- Fine-tune your fleet operations by upgrading your existing 3G device

Optimize your fleet operations with intelligent GPS tracking
The big boost of information from GPS tracking puts businesses in a better position to protect employees from harm, so drivers can feel safer on the road knowing that their route is under the watchful eye of managers and dispatch.

Identify and stop risky behaviors with an optional onboard camera
By pairing premium GPS vehicle tracking with an onboard camera, you can help your drivers mitigate fraudulent or risky behavior, maximize compliance, and ensure accurate and on-time IFTA (International Fuel Tax Association) reporting.
- Easily recreate accidents to share with insurance or police
- Reduce unnecessary fuel usage by identifying and measuring idling times and locations driven
- Monitor fraudulent behavior with free fuel card integration
- Ensure company fuel purchases are filling company assets
- Comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) hours of service requirements
WEX premium GPS tracking solutions are tailored to your needs
A full suite of solutions to power any size fleet
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