Offer an HRA that works for your employees
An HRA from WEX empowers you to provide your employees with a tax-advantaged way to save for out-of-pocket expenses.

WEX makes it easy for you to give employees the HRA they need
Built to support the most complex HRA structures
- 213(d) HRAs: An HRA that allows participants to use their employer-funded dollars for any 213(d) related expense.
- Deductible HRA: An HRA that allows participants to submit EOBs for reimbursement of their employer-funded dollars.
- One Threshold HRA: An HRA that allows participants to submit EOBs for reimbursement of their employer-funded dollars after a predetermined reimbursement threshold is defined.
- Individual coverage HRA (ICHRA): Offered as a way to fund employees’ individual health coverage that they purchase on their own rather than providing group health insurance.
- Excepted benefit HRA (EBHRA): Allows employers who offer a group health plan to set aside up to $1,800 per year per employee.
- Qualified small employer HRA (QSEHRA): You provide tax-free funds to your employees to cover eligible expenses.

WEX simplifies HRAs for everyone
Design your flexible, custom offering with HRAs from WEX
Benefits solutions for your specific needs
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