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Partner with WEX

WEX partners with big and small companies across a spectrum of industries, including fleet, corporate payments, and benefits, providing payment processing and business solutions that grow businesses.

vehicles worldwide use WEX fleet cards
transactions processed annually using WEX electronic payments and corporate cards
employers in the U.S. partner with WEX to power the healthcare payments of 25 million Americans

We’re WEX, the people behind the payments


Fuel partners

The WEX Accepting Merchant Network draws over 4 million fleet drivers to your locations. We’ll help you adapt quickly to changing market demands, increase revenue, and improve profitability.

Corporate payments partners

From simplifying receivables with our corporate payment solutions to outsourcing the entire WEX AP platform and integrating your own technology, we want to partner with you to help grow your business.

WEX benefits partners

We work together with our partners to deliver innovative solutions that help simplify the financial side of healthcare for millions of employers and consumers.

See how a WEX partnership can help your business