WEX Vets
WEXVets creates a community within WEX to include veterans, active duty members and their families, and friends and supporters of the veterans and the military.

WEX Vets mission
WEXVets is an organization dedicated to uniting and empowering the WEX veteran community, to include veterans, active duty members and their families, and friends and supporters of the veterans and the military. We invite and encourage membership from the global WEX community.
We strive to host and sponsor activities that support this global community while sharing our stories and experiences with our fellow WEXers. We aim to celebrate the rich history and heritage of the collected experiences of this group. Additionally, WEXVets aims to assist with WEX’s talent recruitment strategy and commitment to diversity across the company as community brand ambassadors.

“On the days filled with deadlines, meetings and requests an opportunity to connect with others veterans at WEX through our shared experiences has a huge positive impact on me. Nothing can replace a connection over a shared experience and the WEXVets ERG provides me with a direct link to others who better understand who I am. ”

Veterans: Match your skills to roles at WEX
WEX loves hiring veterans. Now, U.S. veterans and military service members can easily translate and match their service experience to open positions here at WEX.
Read about Veterans Day at WEX