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Do your organization’s globetrotters regularly book their flights out-of-channel, traverse destination cities using noncompliant ride-sharing services or submit expense reports containing non-reimbursable purchases? If so, they’re not necessarily looking for trouble. A study conducted by the GBTA Foundation in partnership with HRS concluded that business travelers’ out-of-compliance behaviors do not usually represent an unwillingness to cooperate or follow the rules; rather, it’s a lack of understanding caused by a breakdown in communication between company travel professionals and travelers.
Consider these highlights from the GBTA Foundation/HRS study of North American and European business travelers, Travel Policy Communication: Understanding Disconnects and Increasing Compliance:
These results unveil the reality, for many companies, that travel managers and travelers are not on the same page—at least, not entirely. Because travelers will act according to what they perceive as “in compliance” with their travel policy, corporate travel professionals have the opportunity to take control of their internal communications and promote was is—and isn’t—appropriate booking and expense behavior, along with everything in-between.
If effectively communicating the ins and outs of your organization’s travel policy to employees is rising to the top of your list, you’re in great company. Visa and Deloitte Consulting teamed up to uncover best practices followed by “best in class” companies to Communicate Enterprise-wide Travel Policies and Procedures. They found that successful organizations regularly communicate travel guidelines as well as the impact compliance has on the organization, including cost savings and process efficiencies to employees. They outline these benefits of doing so:
Here are some tips to help you develop a winning communications plan:
An important finding came out of the GBTA Foundation/HRS research: a one-size-fits-all approach is not the way to go. Employees have varying levels of experience and familiarity with both business travel and policy compliance, and they have different preferences for how they want to receive information about their program. Look at these study statistics:
These results may or may not be surprising—or even representative of your particular workforce. The insights are useful, but they shouldn’t inform your approach, at least not entirely. Spend some time learning about your employees and what they need to buy-in to their travel policy and follow its guidelines.
As evidenced by that last set of data, it’s not a good idea to make assumptions about how your employees prefer to receive communications. You’re most likely to succeed by covering your bases, anyway, and providing information using various forms for both traditional and non-traditional media:
And the old adage applies here: communicate early and often. Use the communication methods your employees like, and keep messages in front of them on a regular basis. You’ll introduce new concepts, reinforce old ones, generate interest in learning more, motivate participation in compliant behavior, alert employees when they’ve booked out-of-policy…your communications can go far to support your program and its success.
Be sure you’re covering a breadth of topics related to your travel policy and program, from research and booking through payment and expenses. What’s more, it’s wise to up the ante when travelers are entering higher-risk situations.
The GBTA Foundation/HRS survey revealed one of six business travellers say they do not receive any additional information before going to high-risk areas. Dig deeper in 3 Duty of Care Best Practices for Today’s Corporate Travel Managers.
The Visa and Deloitte Consulting study revealed that some organizations use proactive methods like incentive programs to drive policy awareness and compliance, such as payments for selecting low cost travel options to point systems where employees accrue points for compliance, with redeemable prizes at certain levels.
This is on every communicator’s To Do list. It’s simply good practice to involve employees in any initiative that involves them—that requires their attention and participation. This step needn’t take too much time, and travel managers can find a method that works best for their employee base. Post-trip surveys (paper-based or online) and quarterly or annual “think tank” or focus group meetings with employees are both effective ways to collect feedback. And yes, feel free to offer an incentive for providing opinions. And naturally, you’ll work their suggestions into future iterations of your travel policy—make sure employees know this. Taking this step helps achieve buy-in and makes employee feel like they’re valued and that the quality of their experiences matter and make an impact on program design now and into the future.
For more insights into the varying preferences and priorities between travel managers and employees—as well as more communication tips—see Meeting the Needs of Your Company’s Business Travelers Starts with Communication and Feedback and Hotel Procurement: Travel Managers Balance Administration, Costs, and the Employee Experience
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